Saturday, January 15, 2011

Going forward – a special post!

In a week when the country bowed under a great tragedy, our blog skirmish seems small in respects when set side by side with that which happened in Tucson. Words were flung, feelings were hurt, things that shouldn't have been done were.

We are moving forward.

The Enders have asked our politics readers to tell us who shined in op-eds and editorials alike. The guys who moderate our political reading group have given you two sides of the take with words that remind us – Words have consequences and when it all boils down to it, we are one great nation. Good work, guys.

Ender Kirby: I rarely agree with Peggy Noonan politically, but her turn of phrase, her undeniable way of saying what she thinks brings me back to her editorials. She brought home exactly what I needed to hear from the President. In short she made the turn and came to see what we all needed in a moment of mourning (paraphrased and in my opinion) – 'Wait – this is our president, and in this moment, we are all Americans.' Nicely done, Ms. Noonan.

Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal – Obama Rises to the Challenge: He sounded like a president not a denizen of the faculty lounge.

You can read the entire article here:

Ender James B. : Since Kirby chose a Republican, I chose a Democrat. Though, I agree with him for a change. Ms. Noonan hit it out of the park this week.

My pick is Eugene Robinson. Mr. Robinson is a Progressive Liberal who isn't always completely clear when he speaks on air, but this week he showed me the essence of what we need to forge forward – not just Washington, but all of us. Amazing. Poignant. Memorable.

The Commercial Appeal: Obama becomes the Healer in Chief. Our political system is mired in warfare. But we can move forward if we look beyond arbitrary and obsolete divisions.

You can read the entire article here:

A special thanks from our politics moderators.

The cast of Morning Joe/MSNBC/Morning 6-9AM EST. Thank you so much for making this week one of actual information and not piecemeal rhetoric which was akin to: they did this and they did that – which did nothing to forward the conversation. The members of the panel, including Pat Buchanan and Chris Christie stated what we wanted, needed, and longed to hear. We all need to take a step back and stop ourselves before we say something, intentional or not, that may one day be regrettable. You are a refreshing breath of air in the chaotic and often inflammatory rhetoric that divides this country. As you say – we can disagree without being disagreeable.

Thanks to Kirby and James B. for taking time from their week to give us a bit of a lift.

From all The Enders – Keep calm and carry on.

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